I want to go home, but where is my home?
Home is where the heart is, but where is my heart!
My heart hovers boundless in the night’s sky.
Still searching for that home in which to rest.
But now and again, a bit of home comes to me – I to her.
This temporary visit provides me with nourishment
and warmth that keeps me going just enough as I trod this path alone.
Alone… Alone? Am I now alone? Some would say that I am not.
The feelings are contrary to this fact.
It either is or isn’t no matter how deep the heart
may sink at times; but my fragile heart bleeds out this pain
constantly as I march forward on “The Mission” I have been given.
Transforming myself into what I need to be and know I can be
to accomplish this primary task. Absorbing all I can from
the souls that touch my life and those in whom I want to touch.
To touch and be touched is a gift I am deprived of from those
too far to enjoy this warm sensation. It causes me to savor and
cherish any opportunity when I can have this.
This sheds some insight on the secret of my craft – a lonely soul,
bloodied in pain for those I love so far away.
Searching for home, a place to rest in the warm arms of a love
that is out of this world.
To be touched in a way that would satisfy my cravings
for eternity. Yet a soldier, “on a mission, with a vision,
just listen, here’s how it goes…”
I want to cry out the pain and the joys for all to hear and see.
To make a presentation in the courts of Kings – among the
watchful eyes of those on earth. Though it appears to be me,
it is not me; but creating beauty
out of pure beauty itself.
And thus, this flawed beauty,
in union with absolute beauty,
just may delight all and draw them to
that same beauty.