New York can be a lonely place for any determined artist, especially one that has always cherished family. i was living in the upper east side at the time and was just feeling... well, maybe not home sick per se. it's just that most of my closest friends and loved ones are scattered all over the world. i am so driven in my work and often times perplexed. it takes so much of my time that casual socializing is a distant after thought. who has time for that when there's a world to conquer! i'm quite content with my situation for the most part, because i always say (or convince myself) that i would rather be alone than to waste time with superficial acquaintances. don't get me wrong, i love the good friends i have made in the city (as busy as these over-achievers are), but there are those that are so special to me, that i wish they were here more times than not. but at the oddest times i am reminded of this when i get an email, text, facebook or skype message. i even made friends with one that bbm's me from Spain. it is in these odd times that i realize the true strength in what i have no matter how isolated i've been or how far away they may be. true love and closeness is farther reaching than any distance or time!
on several occasions i would take walks a block or two away to this convenient store nearby. there was a deli just a few feet away that i started boycotting because they charged almost $4.00 for a Cadbury's Fruit & Nut chocolate bar and almost $8.oo for one sleeve of Oreo cookies. the extra 1 1/2 blocks walk was defiantly well worth it.
i always passed by the Blockbuster store in order to get to the deli i had chosen over the one nearby. ah! the bright blue lights brought back memories of times when (at least) i think there was less preoccupation with pressure or the stress that is life. there was no such thing as Netflix, so on weekends while in grade school, i would often spend it over friends where the only thing that was stressing was how much fun and adventure we could squeeze in within a night and two days. i had a ritual when entering this magic movie land. i always started from the end of the alphabet and made my way around to the beginning - narrowing my search with a mental note of my favorites and taking up the movies that only had 1 or 2 remaining on the shelf. the other trick i learned was to ask the front desk about the recent returns. sometimes you would get a nice lucky gem that would otherwise be considered out, before they restocked them onto the shelves.
i remembered! i remembered the excitement and anticipation that i had in going, and also maybe even getting an expensive single bag of microwave popcorn just in case we had run out of what we had at home. i would also have to throw in a vanilla coke as an extra treat as well. (that became my favorite choice when cravings rose for junk food.)
well, i passed by this Blockbuster a few times too many! daring to go in, but saying to myself that at this day and age it was not in the least worth it. and why would anyone want to walk into a store when you can have a movie sent to your doorsteps, or just stream it right to your tv... but this night was different and i wanted not to think about my career and the work and the sacrifice that comes with much isolation. this night i wanted to re-live a time it seemed i was constantly smiling - smiling and shining inside and out, and not caring about much of anything else! when i entered, the salesman said hello as they are made to do, but i took it with a conscious sense of such great appreciation as i gave an extra effort in kindness and extending the brief conversation. i went in and picked out my movies - starting as i did before, from the end of the alphabet and making my way around. my insides were all a-stir as i made it my point to indulge in this joyful homage to happy past memories and purchased 3 overpriced rentals, got the Act II Movie Theatre Butter popcorn and a giant size pack of Gummie Bears... and of course i got a vanilla coke! my night was nothing less than a blockbuster!!!