Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I stand in the Presence of what I've been searching
Feeling only now that, maybe it's always been there
What now? My body trembles... trembles.
Confused as to if it be delight or fear
I am addicted in an instant, yet bear no guilt
And crave a fix of what I am already feeding
Before I've had my full, I am begging for a fill.
It's this same drug that I'm forever pleading:
"More, give me more. I want more!"
And then this voice... gently whispers

Saturday, October 1, 2011

night moon.

Night Moon, I call on you to sing!
Sing a song as I lay down awaiting dreams.
Tell of adventures from times long ago
Of heroes fighting for love and a place where souls can grow.
Night Moon, it's the sweetness of your voice that delights
My heart to thump in anticipation of dark nights.
And we are one. United with you in each day most well spent
Pushing for dreams as I dream of your song
That no ears have heard like this before.
Sing to me Night Moon!
Sing your song to me again once more.