Monday, February 14, 2011

vanity day.

This is the day for the love pretender
Of which I will not take part
Once I too, an inadequate offender
When loved... I with all my heart.
No more shall prove a love that is
A thing so vast, now inside of me
Agree that you may never, My Kiss
Afraid of what your eyes can't see.
I make no pleas, for I a lesser fool
This day not lived in vanity
Freedom is the only rule
And Love is Freedom's key.


  1. Aw, look at you! So serious (and lovely) in red. It is a refreshing image for this day.

  2. Maxidus, I got so busy on Valentines day :) but wanted to add: very nice words, a very nice puzzle composed a pretty poem about Love ...very nice work ;)

  3. Maxidus, I got so busy on Valentines day :) but wanted to add: Very nice words, a very nice puzzle composed in a pretty poem about Love ...Very nice work ;)
