Monday, February 22, 2010

love. (iii)

Your eyes still shout of love and joy
Lips, faint red and soft silk kisses
Wishing they felt on mine to enjoy
You add your strikes and I'll my misses.
I dare not look upon you just this once
And sink in thoughts of happy never afters
I've had my fill with but one glance
Still look to write a sweet new chapter

If there's a God in heaven up above
We'll meet again, oh my sweet love!

Friday, February 19, 2010

love. (ii)

Can you look upon another with the eyes you've given me?
This Treasure still kept safe and buried deep within my soul
Rare pearl of joy I call to you, though parted by the sea
Wild dreams and foreseen memories of mysteries yet untold
Can Time and Distance stop our hearts that beat a rhythm true?
Then dance with me right now, as I too fill my hearts content
The gift I give is music - songs I sing, I sing to you
Turn up the volume in your soul and ride the waves I've sent
Your eyes have burned an image that can never be erased
It shines and I am begging you to turn to it once more
The beat goes on and pumps and thumps and cannot be replaced
For Time has lost and Distance failed; yet Love's the one Victor

Ahh sweet love, I’ve given in to your embrace
I wait for it to rest in its proper dwelling place...

Saturday, February 13, 2010


originally, i had planned to choose but one of my favorites on love for Valentines Day. but after reviewing my archives of writings, i am given to run a series of poems on this topic... love. the deepness of this phenomenon that rarely comes to surface in our culture. may these touch the depths of your soul.

here is the first... enjoy!

Nov. 20, 2007

I push to write of life and love anew
And though so far, I bid it come to me
Again to taste that nectar is now due
Nourishment that calls my soul to thee
Turn not away as if you cannot hear
My music is your song that bares your name
As Time goes on, our Truth so ever clear
Until that day, I drink to you again.
